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9 Advertising Ideas for your Business
Broadcast your Brand and Boost your Business
Advertising your Business on a consistent basis creates awareness of your potential buyers and maintains your connection to your current customers. Here are 9 Advertising Ideas for your Business. yes 9 and not 10?
What is the difference between Advertising and Marketing?
Advertising is under the umbrella of Marketing.
Ads can include Internet Advertising. Magazines, Newspapers, Mailers
Ad Marketing is a product where the goal is to increase awareness, with the goal to increase sales of your Product and Service.
Top 3 Things to think about when your advertising:
- Budget
- Target market -Match your message to your market
- Message
Establish a Budget: How much do you want to spend and how long
Craft a realistic budget and then based on which type of advertising decide how long you want to run your ad
Target Market – Who are you speaking to? It’s very important to know your target audience and the specific product or service you want to introduce them to. This will help your ad will be a good fit for that specific demographic.
Message: What are you trying to say? And Where do you want to say it? Here are 9 great sources to advertise your business.
- Social Media -Paid Social Media Ads
- Google Ads or PPC (Pay Per Click)
- Email Ad – Sent to a list of selected email addresses
- Newspaper Ads – Paid Ads can be ongoing
- Magazines Ads – Paid Ads can be ongoing
- Video Ads – a brief snapshot of what you offer
- Event Marketing Platforms – One-time or ongoing event
- EDDM – Unaddressed Printed Mailer, targeting a certain demo or Geolocation usually based on income or specific interests
- Direct mail – An addressed printed mailer sent to specific names, and addresses using your client list
Are you Ready to LEVEL UP!!
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